cromaxstudio photography s sposi

Martina and Alessandro have chosen to make their Trash the Dress in the beautiful Chianti Classico region of Tuscany, which stretches between the provinces of Florence and Siena. We chose to do the shooting in Badia A Passignano and in the municipality of Radda in Chianti, where the rolling hills full of vineyards follow one another as far as the eye can see forming fantastic geometries. All kissed by the warm and romantic sunset light that enveloped the bride and groom in magical atmosphere.

The Trash the Dress (post-wedding) is an additional session to be done away from the constraints of the wedding day, with more tranquillity and calm. A day where the spouses have fun with us, to be photographed in a more artistic and particular way.
Each chosen location, the sea, the countryside, a city of art or a symbolic place for the newlyweds, will make these shots unforgettable.

cromaxstudio photography s sposi