Our approach

cromaxstudio photography massa

Ours is a well-defined but constantly evolving style, which is based on the elegance of form and light.

The complicity with the bride and groom is fundamental for a dynamic and creative photography, made of spontaneous and authentic attitudes.

We strongly believe in professionalism and reliability and in alternative photography far from the usual.

“”What is the use of a large depth of field if there is not an adequate depth of feeling?”

(W.E. Smith)

About us

We are Massimo Santi and Croci Cascino. We have known each other for many years and the friendship that binds us and the complicity that has been created between us, allow us to tell your stories in a unique and exciting way. The great passion for photography encourages us to seek stories made of details and emotions, stories in which you are the protagonists.

“What cannot be expressed in words, we communicate it with photography, with a desire to discover, a desire to excite and a taste to capture”

Cromax Studio Photography - Croci Cascino e Massimo Santi - Studio fotografico di Massa
cromaxstudio photography massa

Croci Cascino

I am of Sicilian origin but I have always lived in Massa, I could say. Love for life, family and photography in all its nuances are the forces that allow me to balance on the edge of life.
The initial approach to photography took place several years ago through the “macro” and immediately after the landscape. And so I discovered that photography would become an important part of my life, even if I had not yet understood how.
My desire to discover has allowed me to approach portrait photography and only after that of marriage and, through specific courses, I started this path. Today I am a professional happy with my job.
I photograph emotions, looks and love to tell simple stories, keep them in an album and remember the particular happiness of those unrepeatable moments.

“Relive, tell, imagine.
If I had to describe photography, I would use these three verbs.”
(Fabrizio Caramagna)

Cromax Studio Photography - Croci Cascino - Studio fotografico di Massa

Massimo Santi

I started in the late 70s with a Nikon F2A as an assistant to a wedding photographer in Prato, then I discovered the reportage, living the story. My machines have always accompanied me in the reports I made following various peace missions and humanitarian associations, from R.A.S.D. (Saharawi Republic) until the beginning of the Second Intifada in Palestine.

India, Algeria, Tunisia, Romania and France: in these countries I have created exciting services that have enriched me with experience. The material, collected over the years, has been the subject of international exhibitions in Denmark, Sweden and Romania.

The goal I have always pursued is to use photography to tell a story.
I observe love, passion and set magical moments in every wedding that I photograph,
with enthusiasm and with the desire to capture unrepeatable and intense moments.
Every wedding is unique…

A photographer does not speak … his photos speak…

“For a true photographer, a story is not an address to go to with sophisticated machines and the right filters. A story means to read, study, prepare. Photographing means looking in things for what one has understood with one’s head. The big photo is the image of an idea”
(Tiziano Terzani)

Cromax Studio Photography - Massimo Santi - Studio fotografico di Massa

for info and appointments